Saturday, May 8, 2021


I decided to post an email I received back in 2001.  It is from Charles D. Ficken who I believe has since past away.

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 15:07:34 EDT
Subject: Gerhard Ficken & family
Dear "Cousin" Christy, You wrote the right person. My grandfather
Carsten{Charles} Ficken  came to the US from Harrendorf ,Germany in 1860
landed in New York and went to Illinois and then to State Center, Iowa.  He came
with two brothers, Gerhard and Johann.  Carsten D. later called himself Charles
D. which is my name and an uncle who lived in  Beaumont, Texas.  I have one son, 
32, who is also Charles D., married, who lives in Raleigh, NC. My grandfather
was born in 1851.  One brother stayed in Harrendorf. He  had a son Hinreich and a
daughter Meta. Hinreich had a son Hinreich, and four daughters.  Meta Wurfel, a
recent widow lives in Harrendorf(a small village],Henny Ficke{single] lives
in Lubberstedt and the other two sisters lie on islands off the German coast
near Holland. For some unknown reason  the family name was change from Ficken
to Ficke after the church burned in  around 1750????? I have met a
distant-----cousin named Schmonsese whose family name was Monsese before
1750????? Our grandfathers must have made it right  when they arrived in the
U.S. Gehard, Charles, Johanan, and Hinreich's father and mother were Johanan
born 1816 and Gerdse Gerken born 1817. I hope this helps you  and I would like
to know of your family. I have one brother a retired IRS worker and Army Col.
who lives in Portland, Texas, also 2,1st cousins, once removed who live nearby
in Corpus Christi. There are also distant Cousins in Iowa.    Good to hear
from you. Charles D> [Chuck}Ficken

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